Sunday, November 8, 2009

Final vote 220-215

Saturday night, I was at a fundraising event when I received the Tweet about the traitorous actions of 219 Democrats and 1 Republican, passing HR 3962 with their YES vote. By a mere 3 votes (220-215; 3 votes transferred from the left to the right would have resulted in a defeat), the House gained a socialistic victory over free markets, capitalism, personal responsibility, freedom, and more. See their votes at the clerk’s desk.

In that YES Vote, they trampled on 222 years of the Constitution being the guiding Law of the Land, and in it, the very straightforward and unequivocal boundaries set forth on Congress via Article 1, Section 8, and the 10th Amendment. They GROSSLY overstepped their authority, and voted YES on an unconstitutional act.

This is not good for Americans. The only people to benefit are special interest groups and those getting the kickbacks. They have already admitted that they don’t yet know how this will be paid for. We know! The same way you pay for any other government program…. On the backs of law-abiding, productive individuals like you and me. This is nothing more than another tax.

Companies right now that provide health insurance for employees are now paying out about 10-13% for coverage. With this passage – they can opt for the public option and be only charged 8% surcharge. Do you believe that this will allow you to continue the same coverage you already had?

Of course – what they don’t want people to know – is if you don’t have private insurance, and you don’t have the public option, when you go to pay your taxes, you will be fined a couple thousand dollars, to meet that mandate. This will specifically hurt the middle income families and workers struggling to just get by as it is. So let’s see…. Tax us to pay for it, and then tax us to buy it and if we don’t comply with that fine us (another tax)! No new taxes on the middle class, right?

My opponent, Non-Rep. Peter Defazio (D-OR4), voted YES on this Act. He said back in August 2009, that he would when it came to the floor. It was his assertion that HE knew what was best for his constituents, completely disregarding the tens of thousands of emails, phone calls, letters and such we have all sent his office to say no. He said “I will vote my conscience”. Is that what we are paying him for? To vote his conscience? He has a job description and nowhere in that job description does it give him the authority to force you and me, his employers, to buy anything! He also made an oral contract with us when he took his oath of office to “defend and protect the constitution”, yet in Town halls, he admitted that Congress does not have Constitutional authority to do anything with healthcare.

He has proven AGAIN that he is no longer fit to serve as our representative. He no longer cares what it is that we want done in Congress, only that which most benefits him. However, what I don’t think Mr. Defazio has taken into account is that a great number of those identifying themselves as Democrats, are Conservative and Moderate Democrats, fed up with out of control spending in Washington. Like the Republicans and a vast majority of Americans they wanted to see Change that means less Federal spending, more transparency in their administration, and protection of our God-given rights. All that has come about is a spending spree that has brought America closer and faster to fiscal failure and insecurity than ever before. There has been no transparency!

Independent conservatives and moderates that helped elect Obama, are fed up with the “Business as usual” as well. And Defazio votes along Pelosi’s instructions and supports every spending bill and program that Obama has called for except for the Stimulus plan that did not give him the money that he wanted and Cap & Trade which he considered “too capitalistic” and because there “weren’t enough regulations” included.

Come 2010, we have an opportunity to begin reversing this damage, as well as the damage put on us by the previous administration. America, and specifically, all the citizens of Oregon’s 4th Congressional District, need to wake up and realize that nothing will change unless we change the way we elect our representatives. Stop with party politics; this is not about what is best for the party, but what is best for America and our citizens.

We need to repeal this act – and do it in 2011 after we take back Congress by electing Constitution and Liberty minded representatives. We can bring about true health care reform, but we do not need to nationalize it to see it happen. I am not saying “no”. I am offering Constitutionally sound alternatives that will not further burden the people of our district, of our state and of our country. Reform tort laws, allow interstate competition between private insurers, and offer tax credits to providers providing pro bono care for the indigent are all ways in which to make health care affordable for all of our citizens. Defazio and his colleagues like to use the Interstate Commerce clause to justify their unconstitutional actions, but used appropriately, the commerce clause enables them to open up the borders to the importation of pharmaceuticals thereby decreasing prescription costs.

I am calling on all Conservative and Moderate voters, whether you are a Democrat, Independent, or a Republican, to stand with me as your Congressional candidate of choice. Even my primary opponent believes that the federal government has the responsibility and the authority to be a “facilitator” for healthcare. Let’s send a message to DC that we won’t stand for “politics as usual”. If you hire me as your representative in Congress for US House district 4 my first act will be to form a coalition of Independent, Democrat, and Republican representatives that will submit legislation to immediately repeal the AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE FOR AMERICA ACT. This Act will not help to recover this economy. It will destroy it. I ask you to support me and vote for me. Together, we can save our country.

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